Bolujem ja

The band is formed by the group of former Eastern-European people who enjoy playing, creating and listening to music.

Members of Alien Residents are:

Besides playing with AR, pizza jiggy is also a very accomplished visual artist; she is responsible for artistic aspect of site and cover design.
role: Block-flute, backround vocals

Fom is responsible for complete music production of AR, using various hardware and software applications. Also a masterful guitar player.
role: Guitar, programming, arrangements, mixing, mastering

Slapmaster is mostly slapping songs together that are later arranged and produced by FOM. Also responsible for technical aspect of site and cover design.
role: Songwriting, lyrics, vocal

  • Modèle : Alien Residents
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Ce Produit a été ajouté à notre catalogue le lundi 06 mars 2006.

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