
Recorded and produced entirely by Adam Good, a New York based musician (bass player for HARMONIA, guitarist in NIKITOV and SIDESHOW) fascinated by Eastern European music and in particular "Izvorno" (folk music) of Macedonia. Eastern melodies accompanied by meditative drones with quirky "odd meter" rhythms. Every track features Adam and special guests on folk instruments playing familiar traditional tunes (Pajdushko, Mashkato, Baba Dzhurdzha, Rajkos, Topansko) and original melodies in rhythms of the region (Beranche, Chochek, Ruchenitsa).

Adam Good - tambura, kaval
Matt Moran - tupan, dumbek
Jerry Kisslinger - tupan
Timothy Quigley - dumbek, def
Jeff Fine - kaval
Jodi Hewat - vocals
Ramy al Aasar - dumbek

"Good is good at what he does, playing quick dance tunes on tambura with an intricate style -- the music goes well with wine. Dances is a sure bet for Balkan dancers out for a light, rapid chochek, or for Markos Vamvakaris or Andy Irvine enthusiasts, or anyone else, for that matter, who wants to hear good music in uneven meter!"
-- Judith Gennett (

  • Modèle : Adam Good
  • 100000 Unités en stock

Ce Produit a été ajouté à notre catalogue le jeudi 08 décembre 2005.

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