Spelling Love

Mashona is potentially one of the great figures in World music. Born in rural Zimbabwe in the 70's and that should echo a lot about how he came up with this kind of music style.
The 70's has been known in Zimbabwe, (then Rhodesia) as the era of experimental music. Mashona, being born to a music loving mother, was raised listening to a variety of emerging music styles. From Elvis Presley to Alan Garret. From Ngwaru Mapundu to Gladys Knight. From the Wailers to Jimmy Hendrix. And so the list goes on. His mother would carry him on her back, the African style, and sing to him some of the finest tunes from some of the finest musicians. And all this time, the growing boy was picking up essential rhythms later to make up one of the greatest albums ever offered by a rural African.
The result is this album, comprising of dub poetry, African chant and harmonies, integrated professionally together with the world's best rhythms. This music from Mashona is a genre on its own. And you will agree after listening to the CD.
Outside his rural background, Mashona has performed in a few cities: Harare, Gweru, Masvingo and Australia's Sydney where he now resides. His music and dance moves can be described in just one word - POWERFUL. Powerful in the sense that it describes the social issues around the globe in a way you can see. It is the kind of music you can see.
To those who are new to Mashona's music, welcome - and may you be warned that you will be hooked.

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