Charms and Alarms [Original Mix]

Dimensionless Entertainment is a new label addressing hard house beats mixed with retro and middle-eastern styles started by Arslaan. This cd contains full length, mixable material suitable for integration with all types of house and break-beats. With the cd released for 2005, Arslaan hopes to bring house music back to its roots and then adapt it to tribal and eastern cultures.

Be sure to check out Arslaan's SoundClick page (with better clips) by copying and pasting the following url into your browser:

Also, check out the Dimensionless website (the link on the left) for news or updates: [].

This compilation entitled Influence contains over 54 minutes across 6 full-length independent cuts, perfect for djs to mix in to sets or for anyone else to enjoy the tracks in their entirety.

  • Modèle : Arslaan
  • 100000 Unités en stock

Ce Produit a été ajouté à notre catalogue le samedi 17 juin 2006.

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