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World Fusion
May Peace Prevail on Earth
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May Peace Prevail on Earth
Singer & Musician for Peace
Thank you very much for visiting my cdbaby page.
I am a singer and musician devoted to the promotion of Peace through Music and I believe that music has the power to promote conflict transformation by Enhancing nonviolence, creativity and empathy. I want To work together with artists from throughout the world, for Love & Peace.
I believe music can transcend all barriers, and that it is a wonderful Means to express the powerful and dynamic love for life we all feel within ourselves. It is based on this passionate feeling that I love my family, my town Karachi and its people, that I love my wonderful country Pakistan, and that I Love the World and its six billion inhabitants, without any kind of Discrimination based On gender, age, class, nationality, cultural, religious or spiritual Background.
I also try to express love and respect for nature, rocks, Plants, flowers and animals, through my music.
I feel very fortunate to be able to express my passion for music and Peace as an audio producer, composer, songwriter, singer, computer musician and sound engineer.
My Mission is to place my musical talents at the service of humanity, lending a helping hand to those suffering from injustice, with the goal of empowering them with hope and energy. I want to use the universal language of music to communicate the beauty of humanity and promote positive peace.
I am living in Hawaii
I look forward to working together with you for a better world through music, and love for life and people.
With Love, Music and Peace.
Muhammad Iqbal Behleem
Director StarLight Harmony Music Inc.USA
Universal Peace Ambassador
Love Ambassador
Muhammad Iqbal Behleem is a consistently promoting a message of peace through his music and actively reaching out to musicians and peoples of different cultures and faiths I am inspired by his energy and enthusiasm and I think he is a model artist for peace.The world needs many more peoples like him.(Joan Anderson-Scotland/U.K, Editor of SGI-Quarterly Magazine -Japan)
Muhammad Iqbal Behleem, is an accomplished artist and composer. He has prove his talent and Humanistic dedication to bring togetherness and celebration
(Rais Neza Boneza- Norway Director Transcend Africa Network.)
Muhammad Iqbal Behleem persuades the listener
of the still relevant thought of peace
and does not only think, but act it.
I am overwhelmed to stay in contact
with outstanding peace artists
and activists like Muhammad Iqbal Behleem
(Simon M Jonas-Austria Poet and short story writer,
novelist and peace researcher and a political scientist)
I have been an admirer of Muhammad s music for sometime now. He manages to touch the parts many other musicians cannot reach.An Un assuming and giving man. A man of Peace and artist of peace his music are pieces of art.
(Andy Hickson-U.K Film Producer -Action Work Films
Muhammad Iqbal Behleem is a committed peace musician
who has collaborated in various music projects with colleagues from various countries and continents
(Wang feng-Singapore Music Therapist for Peace)
His Music has an uplifting quality of joy and happiness,
with contagious rhythm Muhammad Iqbal Behleem is a devoted peace worker.(Maria Elena Leopaz-Argentina International Director of Music therapist of Peace and Life)
By his spiritual and mystic music Muhammad Iqbal Behleem conveys us his belief,his enthusiasm and his sensitiveness Love is the essential inspiration of his celestial message open to everybody and blessing the world community.I intensely feel the spiritual and emotional dimension of the beautiful songs of Mohammad Iqbal Behleem Our communication inspired me with peace poems for his world wide project by nenuphar Light (Liza Leyla-Belgium Poet Peace Researcher)
The conference at Oxford University went VERY WELL....
Dear Behleem, I played your music song 'Humanitarian Art', and everyone liked it so much!!!!
Actually people from other came inside our conference room to see what the music was about...they said it is so lively that it woke them up!(Because my presentation was at 9am so many persons were not feeling 'awake enough!!!... .)(Sat, 23 Sep 2006 Lida Sherafatmand Malta /France)
What a beautiful present for the WORLD PEACE DAY 21 SEP-2006, which also happens to be the Jewish New Year,
and the ensuing Moslem Id El Fitr.I listened to the
12 moving PEACE SONGS below and was so surprised
and happy to find my own poem
A Bridge of Peace In my name and in the name of IFLAC:
The International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace,
I send you our warmest wishes for a future full of peace songs,love and harmony among people and nations. With all best Salamat and Shalom
(Ada Aharoni-Israel IFLAC Founder and President.)
It is a very great and rare opportunity for a poet like me in India to be proud of my Dear Pakistani Brother to have the privilegeof getting my PEACE POEMS composed under your superb Musical composition.
My whole-hearted THANKS for all the efforts you had put
in the Musical Project and I am sure all the 12 poems composed and sung by you will remain in life's annals of one and all.
I HAVE GIVEN A PRESS NOTE regarding your Musical
PEACE Project to the News Papers in India
and I will send the paper clippings to you in a day or two.
(Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy-India.)
Dear Mohammad, Thank you for this project and this music put on my text. The presentation very is successful and I thank you for any heart.
Cheer. Sincerely, In all Universal Fraternity of Peace
(Johanne Hauber-Bieth, Predente-Fondatrice du Panth Universel de la Pe -France)
Thank you so much for your work. May God Bless you always.
(Diane Eleftheriades Bridges of Peace USA)
Congratulations to *Muhammad Iqbal Behleem*
for his 12 songs and his steadily growing musical movement
for peace and understanding
(Dr.Olivier Urbain PhD Peace studies- Japan)
I am much impressed by your plan to save the
world through music and your witty notion of "bombing" for peace.
Perhaps we can work together toward this ideal, for my philosophy is
comic, not tragic. I hope to convince readers in the Muslim
world that we all have more in common than we think.
I have enjoyed hearing from you With cordial best wishes,
(Madison Morrison PhD Literature USA)
Many blessings to you Mohammad,
May the divine love guide and nurture your heart's desires always! Love and Peace
(Kathy J. Ward (Universal Peace Ambassador President of -
WEL, World Elder Land President of ERT, Elder Recreation Therapy Therapeutic Recreation Consultant)
Dear Muhammad
Thank so much for your deep and pure prayer
you bring to this world a serenity and for Brotherhood my
Heart will always be in harmony your work is very important please never
let down your marvelous inspiration THANK SO MUCH TO EXIST AND TO CREATE BEAUTY
(Stephane MICHOT President IDEAL INTERNATIONAL-France)
Brother Behleem's music inspires us, fills our hearts
with love and calls us to go out into a world of strife to share our vision of peace. Thank you!
(Luiza Brown Usa LUiza Art Cafee)
Dear Mohammad, Thank you for a beautiful work of collective art.
(Catherine Graham - USA- Artist)
This activist for peace inspires through his music,
and what an inspiration it is! Besides the power of his individual pieces,
such as the incredible ?Peace From East?,
his collaborations with others from around the
world show the beauty and true harmony that
can be achieved when people of good will work together.
(Leigh Golterman Founder, PEACE PLEASE-USA)
Greetings Brotha Muhammad
Praise be to the All Mighty One! I heard your Musik
and it's absolutely Beautiful!! Allah is most certainly
with You brethren!! It's so frustrating for the medium not
to show good people coming together all over the
world just like We as I Man Speak!! We
definitely share a LOVE and Desire to Serve the
Creator by serving It's Creation through JAH Musik!!!
And I'm most certainly in to communicating with as
much as needed as well as collaborating
with in any way that the Most High directs Us.
(Alexander/JAH KINGS USA)
Dear Mohammad Iqbal
You are doing such a beautiful work, and I am glad to be a part of it.
And grateful as well. That which brings peace
into the heart of even just one,
means so very much to me...
but you are touching the hearts of so very many. Blissings!
(Glenna mayor Artist USA)
Thank you for all your gorgeous inspiring work lifting us higher Love
(Jill Butler-USA)
At the beginning of our class/rehearsal we collectively dedicated,
the company, and the community our artistic endeavors to you.
It was one of our most inspired, heartfelt, dedicated,
and passionate times in space -hope you felt this as a warm
embrace. Namaste (Misa Kelly Dancer Usa)
How WONDERFUL that Muhammed is amongst us!
Wonderful musician and peace activist Mohammed tirelessly works for peace
and has been involved in many projects with his electronic knowledge
and his music background. We have recently forwarded him
words for a Peace Prayer by all Artists that he put into music...
We met at the T:AP Transcend Artists for Peace server
where he is an active and eloquent member.
I have just joined and I am only a humble
observer of this group's wonderful ideas
to help the peace movement around the world with art.
The United Nations is celebrating its 60th anniversary next week.
You will see how Mohammed has contributed to this organization
with his music. Please visit him on his site. IN PEACE
(Gabi Gabriela Lasko canada)
I really appreciate your prayers and enthusiastic positive energy
and spiritual support and dedicated virtuosity. Thank you Brother Mo! Allah Hafiz! peace, shalom
(Ronnie Kahn Artist-Writer USA)
Dear Ambassador Muhammed
Thank you for your input and that of the other
Peace Ambassadors to the project of songs
for World Peace Day. Whatever is done to bring
about peace can only be good of our world.
I end this message with the one verse;
We pray for peace in Kwazulu Natal
We pray for peace in Africa
We pray for peace in the whole world
We pray for peace ! We pray for peace!
Peace ! Ukuthula! Salaam! Shalom!
Vrede! Shanti! Ixolo! Pax! Pace!
What ever the language ,
the message is the same!
Pray for Peace! Yours in peace
Thank you much for your kindness and goodwill.
I am more than amazed by your skills in creating and
working such elevating artistic projects for the
benefit of the mankind. I understand that You are caught
with your activities; I am too-we are living in a running, fast world.
So 2007 will be an year when our common efforts will
be crystallized through the musical project for the Global Love Day,
which You initiated. I m very glad I can be a part of it
and express my gratitude. I will continue to spread information
on your project-Prayer(s)for Peace. Many blessings to You, love and light, fraternally
(Tatomir Romania Poet)
For the attention of Mohammad
Peace and Love
To the Peace Tree
You are wonderful
Your song is full
of joy on the verge of tears
Happiness ...
a lost rose
in the sand
child of desert
child of desire
Happiness ...
A night of full moon
The sea is singing
promise of happiness
Poorness becomes richness
Happiness ...
a lost rose
in the sand
child of desert
child of desire
Happiness ...
The palm trees dandle
the peace cradle
The waves are immense
Love is endless
You are wonderful
Your song is full
of joy on the verge of tears
Peace and blessings
(Liza Leyla Poet Belgium)
Muhammad, Thank you very much.
You are a great artist and one of the most important peace makers through art and literature.
(MarÃa Cristina Azcona Human DHS Education Team IFLAC Argentina Director)
Comments on World Prayer for Peace
Praying together always connects us in new and powerful ways. Thank you for organizing this!
(MONICA WILLARD, United Nations NGO Representive, United Religions Initiative)
Wonderful idea and difficult in practice to change many people's behavior to
accept the fact that peace is universal, not limited by race, religion or any particular country.
(Sadhu Sadher-United Kingdom-Poet & visionary)
It only takes but a moment to smile and compassion to reach out to others in need.
What a wonderful thing to take the time to share both electronically with the world.
(Lisa M Friedrichs-United States-Artist)
It´s really on the ball. We need more and more to join one another. Go ahead.
(Paulo de Lima Xandó Baptista-Brazil, BrasÃÂlia-Painter and Musician)
Thank you Muhammad for this project that join people around the world.
(Pierpaolo Limongelli-Italy - Monopoli-Artist - Federico II Eventi)
Prayer is a powerful energy. It connects us with our Creator and prayers when spoken in love,
earnestly, are truly answered. We deserve Peace. Peace of what God wills for us, every one.
(Maryann Moon -USA, Santa Barbara, CA)
If everyone who prays for Peace takes action and becomes peaceful and finds peace within then peace will come.
(Celine Leduc-Montreal Quebec Canada- writer artist)
May peace bring us all together as one voice throughout the Universe
(Stephen R Hannon-USA Holbrook, MA)
The project should create a positive environment even if slowly.
(R.K.Singh-Dhanbad, India-Professor, Indian School of Mines)
This Prayer is a very nice Project
(Michael Holmboe-Norway-Director IFLAC, Scandinavia)
Peace generates peace. That´s the only way to heal our collective karma.
(Pedro Oliveira-Portugal - Oeiras-Dolphins Defender)
I just listened to the prayer from 2006 on the site and I was overwhelmed with its power,
as if it were being injected into the cells of my body.
Thanks to all who participate in this extraordinary endeavor.
(Jill Karlin Butler-USA Palm Beach, Florida- Artist/Yoga Instructor)
Hopefully people will read these messages and be moved to stop conflicts Hopefully people
will read these messages and be moved to stop conflicts
(Winona Baker-Canada-Poet)
It is my Honor to participate in this Greater Work with my Bredren and friend Muhammed Iqbal Behleem
and all the Holy people involved. The coming in of the 5th Dimensional
Frequency of LIGHT and LOVE is expressing itself through the Family
of LIGHT of which WE ARE and it is through this project that this
Powerful Energy is Ushering forth for All Humanity!
May the ALLMIGHTY FORCE Keep and Bless you ALL!
(Alexander Kofi Washington-Founder Musician-JAH KINGS)
Thanks for keeping the peace flame burning
(Wang Feng Ng-Singapore-Music therapist)
I feel that this is a wonderful and meaningful project towards the realization of harmony and peace among all humans.
(Claude Veziau-Canada, Riviere-a-Pierre-songwriter, composer, performer)
I am honored to be able to participate in this wonderful project. I am happy that I participated last year,
the finished piece is wonderful! Thank you for doing this
(Hippie Rick-Fort Worth, TX -USA- Poet)
a very Good Project
(Jeannette de Nazareth- Canada-Peace Artist)
Bless you for bringing this message into so many people's lives in this beautiful manner and for
creating a place where we can work together to share our yearning for Peace.
(Luiza Brown-Gardiner ME USA-Mail Artist/Poet)
Good Project
(Maitreyee Bardahn Roy-Kolkata-India-Artist)
good work keep it up
(Alaudin Bande Ali -Pakistan-Graphic designer)
Dear Muhammad, this is GREAT what you are doing!
(Nina Goncharova-Russia-Artist)
May God bless your work by His own way of Leading you to do things according to His great Plan for Man kind.
(Jan N. Malde-Manila, Philippines-Retired ship's officer)
Wish all the best and peace!
(Ulrike M. Dierkes-Germany - Stuttgart)
Thanks for the chance to share hope.
(Johnni Zanni-Austin, TX, USA)
I am very happy that you are initiating this kind of things. I know this would help us all to achieve peace.
So please continue to serve God and love people.
(Joey Rendon-Philippines, Manila-Manila Presbeterian Theological Seminary)
A fantastic projekt! Good luck
(Monika Lilja-Sweden-Artist for Peace)
I love you !
(Barbey, Christophe-Flendruz, Switzerland-APRED-Poet)
(Susana Roberts-Argentina-poet/writer)
A fantastic projekt! Good luck
(Monika Lilja- Sweden-Artist for Peace)
May God bless your work by His own way of Leading you to do things according to His great Plan for Man kind.
(Jan N. Malde Manila, Philippines Retired ship's officer)
I am very happy that you are initiating this kind of things. I know this would help us all to achieve peace.
So please continue to serve God and love people.
(Joey Rendon Philippines, Manila-Manila Presbeterian Theological Seminary)
Thanks for the chance to share hope
(Johnni Zanni-Austin, TX, USA Yoga Student)
Wonderful, keep it up. Love every one who also hate you. no matter love is for all.
They do not know so why there are doing as like hate you but do
not forget you know these things all are same and equal from of god tell ;
give up to decide to god who is good and best but you love all equally
(Govinda Azas- Kathandu, Nepal- Painter/Artist)
I'm glad to participate this project and I hope its really does work,
for a long time. We, I think, sensitive and different people
can really improve this world, if we really want.
(Paulo de Lima Xandó Baptista Brasilia, Brazil.Painter and musician)
Innovative Idea
(Dr. Leo Rebello-Bombay, India-Author, Poet and World Peace Envoy)
( Dimitris P. Kraniotis Larissa, Greece Poet, Writer,
Medical Doctor, President of World Poets Society (W.P.S.)
I think the project is a beautiful thing
(Sandra United states- Respiratory therapist/ investor)
The best resource against war and violence is since education.
To educate for peace since the childhood. To construct it like a daily exercise.
(MarÃÂaEloisa Ragozza de Mandrini Pehuajó- Provincia Buenos Aires- Argentina
Escritora /Deelgada Pehuajó IFLAC )
It only takes but a moment to smile and compassion to reach out to others in need.
What a wonderful thing to take the time to share both electronically with the world.
(Lisa M Friedrichs- United States )
Oh! This beautiful morning, I was able to read the prayer along with you beautiful souls.
I do not understand how you get through it without crying.
I am still crying. I have put this on my daily prayer.
I want to say this, and hear this every day,
as I cannot imagine any way of saying this better,
and as I listen and pray, I am reminded of all the souls
in the world who have joined with you in this
remarkable and wonderful project
. It makes the connection
so much more real for me
(Glenna Mayer-Florida, USA -singer, songwriter)
(Nowsheen Hyderabad, India)
Praying together always connects us in new and powerful ways. Thank you for organizing this!
(Monica Willard Bethlehem, PA, U.S.A. United Religions Initiative UN NGO)
The Universe is surely guiding you on the ultimate mission
of all of us to be blessed on this planet - love and peace.
Love, joy and peace to you for channeling love
not only here on Earth but throughout the Universe.
(David & Barbara Lorenz USA, Hillsboro, Missouri Reiki Masters)
Apologies for the delay in sending my prayer to you,
but please find it now below.
It reflects my frustration, but as well my hope
that we make a change now. All best and peace to you, my friend,
(Founder Peace Please Golterman Peace Please USA)
A project this heartfelt doesn't need comments.
I ask the energy of Sacred Being's love to continue in the most blessed way in your travels and lives.
(Marcia M. Winter- Redmond, Washington 98052 Spiritual teacher, healer, reader)
AFM of Peace to the Whole World
A New Divine Voice echoes among Humanity
Michele Bodine and Muhammed Behleem
I received yesterday p.m. a thick package sent express from two angels who live in Hawaii
A number of beautiful musical songs on CDs about world Peace
As I was opening it gently, with a child spirit, who is waiting for big surprise...
Among the selection, my eyes caught a blank silver CD which had nothing written on it...
I was puzzled wandering whether anything in there would be recorded...
So, I inserted it with curiosity into my stereo expecting rather no words but silence?
As I admire this valuable method of prayer used in spiritual ancient way of meditation
I let it role for seconds; suddenly, I heard beautiful voices which touched deeply my wounds
Oh! What a wonderful heavenly peace prayer which vibrates every cell of our body!
Oh what gorgeous voices in unison coming softly from two tender hearts!
Instantly, I kneeled down and closed my eyes, with an innocent child's spirit
I put aside all pride, and was in total submission to God's will, mercy, and love
I always wished to hear or read such a peace prayer which touches the heart of young and old
To be in union in meditation, rather expelled, to discover new peacemakers and heroes
While writing these words, and listening spontaneously to these up-lifting sweet voices
Which give me wings to fly, and enable me to soar really very high in the sky
As a Lost Child echoing in the desert, I follow someone's footsteps through the Light
To seek healing through these beautiful peace prayers which gently set my soul free
From any pain, heavy burden, burning out from all kind of rejection and suffering
Oh thank you kindly, dear two angels living far away in Hawaii!
Your gift to me is very precious more than words can describe my present feeling
Although I have not heard your other three musical CDs,
I already know what positive impact will they have on my spirit
As I am looking forward to listen to them when the sun shall rise shortly
Oh! What a joy! What gorgeous heavenly voices and wonderful heavenly music!
Thank you for giving mea drop of fresh water as I was strolling in this sterile hot dry desert!
You have revived my crashing soul and spirit, and re-energized my wrecked deadly vanishing body!
May the Lord, Allah, bless my dear brother Mohammed Iqbal and my sister Michele
And guide these gifted sweet people and singers in this earthly journey!
To continue opening hearts of the burdened in this humanitarian artistic mission
To shed Light, Love, and Peace in the path of every soul who is in pain and in suffering
And bring healing to Lost Children who are wandering in the desert in despair like me
Oh please continue this beautiful noble peace work!
And promise me to never look back where you were before standing still
Keep on going! And never stop! No matter what obstacles you may meet...
Rock and roll! Make every soul dance on this earth to your sweet heavenly music!
Bravo to you and all who sow Joy and Peace in the heart of humanity!
From the bottom of my heart, I say thank you to everyone very kindly!
We are proud of all and everyone of you! Please, just keep on rolling stones
And get them away from the victims' path who suffer so much injustice, and evil wars
May your beautiful heavenly songs give great courage to every thirsty soul!
In their turn, one day, they will sing and share their own beautiful song with the entire world
And pass it on to others like you and many other peacemakers did in the past, are still committed
Oh! Please keep it up, never give up, follow Jeanne-d'Arc's courage! Please never stop!
For the world is in despair, and needs very badly your noble peace beautiful songs
And young people like you who have so much zest, zeal, and everlasting energy
New ideas and vivid style to add up another nice color to the RAINBOW
One day, in solidarity and in one voice, we'll turn all world suffering into a beautiful PARADISE!
May our Lord hear our Prayers and Songs, and
grant us Joy and Peace now and forever! Amen!
(Jeannette of Nazareth On May 1, 2007 at 1:00 a.m. Diffused May 1, 2007 at 3:00 a.m. CANADA)
Thank you & G'day from Australia where I am at present ..... Many, many congratulations on your work .....
Walk Good ..... with Love & in Peace.
(Peter (Bentley) Ambassador for Peace, Vice President & Director for
Environmental Protection, International Association of Educators for World Peace, President, SENSE Adventures) - Australia
Statement of Clarification
"I invited people to join IFLAC and not you,
as you are not part of IFLAC".
Professor Ada Aharoni IFLAC Founder - President- (29 Apr 2007)
Our planet now really needs all loving- prayers it can get.
( Margareta Österberg Sweden Åre UN-group )
Peace must begin within each of us and flow out from there. You cannot transmit
something you haven't got. A "War on War" will never bring bring Peace, as the wars on Drugs,
Poverty and Terror have not ended drug use, poverty or terror.
Be only FOR something... God bless this project!
(Robb Tracy Whitter, CA USA Actor/Writer/Songwriter)
Muhammad, my beloved brother. This project is a beautiful vision to help
humanity transform and bring forth a higher expression of itself for the blessing of all life.
I am grateful for the gift of your presence on earth and the opportunity to
be of service by participating in this vision of love.
(Kevin Reid City of Angels, USA Sacred Songwriter/Light, Love, & Power Records)
very beautiful project with which I wish to continue with his aims and to bring together many artists
(Gabrielle Simond présidente cercle universel des ambassadeurs de la Paix )
Dear Ambassador,
Thank you for your mail and i happy to to see that you fill your role of "ambassador" by intermediary
one music. I recall you dear word to his heart of our Founding President JP Nouchi :
All those that work for peace form a same Spirit, a same Soul, a same Heart, a same Body,
a same Universal Family. (Universal Peace Embassy) and this is as well as will be
able while broadcasting the peace around oneself to create this magnificent Universal Family.
You will have held uniformly projects in course. In all Universal Brotherhood of Peace.
Gabrielle Simond Presidente
Circle Universal ambassadors of Peace. Universal Peace Embassy
We need to increase the vibration here on earth to help peace become a reality. Thank you for project to increase peace.
Taylore Bailey Fort Macleod, Canada Mother
Dear Muhammad,
Thank for kind response, I just trying to little thing as how much i can. What ever you doing that really great.
Please keep it up. There is so much harassment but you satisfied that you try hard that is your success.
God will guide one day. And as like you I am also trying to breathe for peace nothing more.
Thank you again. With regard,
Yours Govinda Azad, India
Beloved Brother Muhammad,
It will be my great pleasure to participate in the beautiful gift of
“World Prayer for Peace by All Artists†every year! I deeply appreciate your
kind words and inspiring work to bless this world with love, peace, prayers and music.
Your friend, Kevin
For the benefit of all,
Kevin Reid Founder/CEO
LLP Records, a division of Light, Love & Power Global Enterprises, Inc.
Thank you kindly dear brother for your kind word!
I am so proud of you Mo and Michele for your great noble mission of Peace
you are devotedly committed! I remind you that the Road to Peace is not an easy one.
In love of God and Humanity,
Jeannette of Nazareth- Canada
Many thanks for your kind words However, I am the one that should thank you for your
contribution to Humanity With Peace wishes for you and your Family May all the blessings
from the Universe come right on your doorstep. You’re Brother in Genuine
Peace and Mutual understanding With fondest of regards,
Michael Holmboe
Dear Muhammad Iqbal Behleem,
It is I who send my deepest gratitude for your creation of this prayer project.
I am looking forward to participating for the next series.
Peace and Harmony,
Claude Veziau
Dear Muhammad Iqbal Behleem,
many thanks for what you do for peace.
It was a pleasure to sign the prayer!
Dear Muhammad,
Many thanks for your kind words.
Looking forward to the 2008 prayer as well.
I hope life in Hawaii is treating you nicely.
Greetings also from Liza. We had a meeting together
last Sunday and talked with fondness about you & Michele.
In friendship,
Guido - Belgium
Oh my Dear Muhammad,
Your Project is great, I admire you!!!..I hope so many people in the world hear you,
hear us in this daily fight to conquer peace..
We are in contact with words and songs are coming from our internal
state of Love and Peace to give to others, to ours brothers and sisters
during this time we have to live doing our best..
From this distance place with our souls closed in Peace and Love,
I send you here new phrase, my friends writers have translated.-
This activist for peace inspires through his music,
and what an inspiration it is! Besides the power of his individual pieces,
such as the incredible “Peace From Eastâ€, his collaborations
with others from around the world show the beauty and true harmony
that can be achieved when people of good will work together.
Leigh Golterman Founder, PEACE PLEASE USA
Brother Behleem's music inspires us, fills our hearts with love and
calls us to go out into a world of strife to share our vision of peace.
Luiza Brown USA
Peace is a worthwhile pursuit, no
matter how distant it may seem. Your
contagious rhythms and arrangements
share influences from many genres of
music yet you weld them together in
the crucible of your creativity to
make it all your own. Loved the
delicate guitar on "may peace
prevail", and your use of percussion
throughout all your songs is very
striking. It truly sets your personal
imprint upon them!
I bid you to stay
true to the music and keep it alive!
The Mad Soundman of AMS Systems USA
We appreciate you Behleem!
Love from Zhengzhou, Henan, China,
Clay, Pam, Xiaoqing, Zhengnan, Aiguo, Yudian, Xiaoshu & Ziyue
Hello Behleem!
Thanks for being friends!
May this day bring you lots of joy and happiness.
Beautiful music you make, and what a shining
reason for doing it! For PEACE!!
The world needs in today...
Much love and respect,
Sonja Prenda Austria
Hello Behleem ! Nice to meet you , I enjoy your music.
Maurizio Salvato Italy
Congratulations!. Your music is great!. I love it!.
Maribel Florida-USA
Namaste Behleem!
Beautiful work my new friend.
Dancing joyfully on the inside here - great sounds. :)
Peace, love & happiness,
Donna. G VIP Entertainment Perth, Australia.
Hi, Behleem! Very interesting music!
Greetings from Russia
Sergey Iljinov, Russia.
Thank you Behleem. I enjoy your music and your aspirations.
All the best to you on your quest for peace in the world.
Your friend,
June Benfield, USA.
Peace on Bahleem,
all the best - your music makes me want to dance!! -
Martin U.K
thanks so much
you have a friend in Minneapolis ~ love in all you do
Paisley Brooks, USA
respect to your music
ThreeTonus , Germany.
Hello Behleem!
May this day bring you lots of joy and happiness.
Beautiful music you make, and what a shining reason for doing it!
For PEACE!! The world needs in today...
Much love and respect.
Sonja Austria-Singer
Great groove on your Website...
Greetings from Italy!
Max - Musician
Hello Behleem ! Nice to meet you , I enjoy your music..
Maurizo Salvato - Ravenna, Italy Composer
Thank you Behleem,
Keep up the great work brother!
ROCK WOOD (BAND) SOUTH PASADENA, California United States
Peace, music, an awesome connection!
Keep that music alive!
Prayer for Peace is awesome....
May that day come quickly
Ams System Design Services - Sound Engineer New York USA
Namaste Behleem!
Beautiful work my friend.
Dancing joyfully on the inside here - great sounds. :)
Peace, love & happiness,
Donna. G Perth Australia-Singer
Dear Behleem,
Thank you for your friendship.
Please let me know what I can do for Peace.
Light and love to you!!
Annette Farrington Boston USA-Singer
I´m impressed of your music and I enjoy the songs a lot.
I wish you a lot of inspiration, creativity and good feelings with your music
and for you always sunshine in your heart
Peace & Love
Hi Behleem,
I hope when you play your music you can reach high spirits
and meet love at its pure essence.
I wish you a dancing week filled with joy and happiness.
With a powerful positive push & a big angel kiss from my heart
Heidi Darmstadt Germany-Musician
Behleem...thank you so much for being a part of my world......
I really appreciate what you do.......
Compared to me you are a young man...
and I wish I had the insight you do when I was your age........
you have the spirit and the power...
when god ask's you what you did in your life...
you have the answer my friend......
Thank you...Thank you...Thank you.....
Thank you Behleem...
Very nice work you are doing....
may God Bless you and may there be peace in your world....
Marks World Peace- Arizona USA
great music my brother PEACE ON EARTH
GIL Florida - USA Interior Designer
Warm Greetings,
Your message is an important and timely one.
The world needs more of that!
Peace. LLama India Teacher
Hello brother in Peace Belheem,
I feel gratitude to be among your friends.
Thank you for being.
Claude Veziau Canada-Musician
I love your music Have a wonderful day God Bless
Helen HAMPSHIRE - United States Artist
Virginia USA Singer
Hi Behleem!
Have A Great Weekend too my friend! Loving your music.Take Care;)
Salbeyah Singapore Teacher
Thank you, my friend, I salute you. All of my music is for peace.
Pat Clark Wisconsin USA Muscian
We appreciate you Behleem!
Love from Zhengzhou, Henan, China,
Clay, Pam, Xiaoqing, Zhengnan, Aiguo, Yudian, Xiaoshu & Ziyue
hey I love your music...sort of like belly dancing for peace...( )...very good!
Glenna California USA Artist
Your cause is a very noble one.
Marina~ Florida USA-Dancer
peace and music to you, BEHLEEM!
a little kiss
Susanna Ravenna Italy-Singer
your music sound great and i love it.
Wishing you all the best...
Lukelee Beijing China-Guitarist/Singer
dear friend,
i stopped by to listen and pray the prayer of peace with you.
wishing you health , happiness, peace and blessings. cc
Jess Michigan USA Artist
Seasmar USA Guitarist
Hello, Behleem!
I adore your music, and your message.
So great to be your friend, nice
to know you are out there spreading
the word of PEACE. Hope you are doing
wonderfully. Glad our paths have crossed,
you have lifted my heart with your song!
Take care,
Stacy California USA
Just passing thru to thank you for being my friend
and making peace music...good job.
Peace & positive vibrations your way!!
Maralize Tennesse USA
Hi, dear Behleem!
Once again I thank you very much for your wonderful fantastic music Peace,
Light and Harmony and for your adding me as your friend!
God keeps, helps and blesses you and your work always!
With warmest regards and all best wishes,
your Friend
Lyubov Russia Poet
I truly love what your doing, so inspirational....
keep up the great work,, I send you lots of love & peace always...
Have a Blessed Day! :))
Trish Connecticut USA
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Modèle : Muhammad Iqbal Behleem
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