Du Bist Sü�

1 Believe In Yourself
2 In My Arms
3 Relaxation
4 Hey Baby
5 Lara
6 Crazy
7 Du Bist Sü�
8 Power Of Love
9 Eternal Unity

Welcome dear listener!
Why "Acceptance" as the title of my album?
To accept ourselves without judgement makes it possible to love others and create a peaceful world...
I believe we can change the world by being each individually, as artist, manager, farmer or politician an example as a creative and loving person - and it is possible to have fun :-)

1. Believe In Yourself

Glaube an dich selbst!
früher oder später wirst du verstehn
und die SchÃÂnheit deines Lebens mit den eignen Augen sehn
sooner or later you will realize
that the beauty of your existence
lies in your own eyes
it's your choice to be happy
it's your choice to be gay
it's your choice to be merry
it's your choice to dance astray
and this is gonna be the day
when you start to believe in yourself
Yeah Baby one day you will believe in yourself!

I suppose, you wonder by now who the hell this
Peter Bayreuther
is I reckon, it dawns slowly but surely to you that you might have come across by cosmic chance an artist who really means what he says and is indeed able and prepared to mark in music this era of the shift of consciousness with his songs and play an international and worldwide accepted and appreciated role as a contemporary composer, musician and singer: you have created this contact by listening to this CD (as we all individually create our complete reality) and you have the probability at hand to go with me as a partner in spirit on the path of the heart, which leads to the broad avenue of being loved by millions...
Do you believe in yourself?

The story of this CD as being a love story from first sight (song 1) to universal unity (song 9) starts at this 1. step at a crucial point: will the two probable lovers be able to believe in themselves? Will they be able to overcome the doubts in themselves, which unwittingly are projected on the other person? Will they be able to understand the immense creativity which lies in themselves which enables each partner to have a genuine happy relationship?
Mistrust in oneself is the number 1 killer of love and art so let´s hope that the fictional lovers and this practical CD will come over this step stone and will succeed in blissful wholeness!

2. In My Arms
Liebe ist Alles was du brauchst
folg deinem Herz fliege in meine Arme
Liebe ist Antwort auf all unser Fragen
Liebe ist Antwort auf all unser Zagen
Liebe ist Sinn unsres Lebensprojekts
folg deinem Herz in mein' Arm
Love is the answer to all our quests
follow your heart and fly in my arms
love is the answer you never forget
love is the answer you never regret
love is the answer to all our quests
follow your heart in my arms
In my arms you gonna feel so sure
In my arms you gonna feel so secure
In my arms you gonna feel so safe
in my arms

My albums tries to tell the love story (as mentioned before) of the getting to know of a man and a woman, told by the voice of a man (me):
"In My Arms" is the trial of the man, to convince by addressing the heart the only path which can lead to success in love in the long run
This great feeling, when you open your arms and your girl runs and smashes herself into your arms with profound trust and without hesitation...

( by the way: bass and saxofones quote a short "dabdab dabada" from the Beatles song "all you need is love"! )

3. Relaxation
Relax your body let go let it go in the present now
relax your mind let flow let it flow in the past now
relax your soul let show let it show you
the future now
relax yourself in all encompassing joy

Relaxation is activity

entspann dich und tauch ein tauche ein in die Gegenwart
vertrau dir lass dich falln in die Ewigkeit
du bist aktiv und stark und so stark in Allgegenwart
so kreativ in Gleichzeitigkeit
entspann dich lass dich los lass dein' KÃÂrper frei
vertrau dir schwebe ab in die Freundlichkeit
du bist so schÃÂn und geborn für Unendlichkeit
so glücklich in der Allgegenwart

I composed it spring 2002, when Karin and I spent 3 weeks in Thailand, having a holiday and playing some concerts in beautiful places

To relax is very important for musicians - and everybody I suppose - and quite difficult too, I find some times. I love to have my daily tap dance training outside and my barefoot forest run, it connects me with my body and brings me into the present time, which is probably the most important thing to achieve: there is only the spacious present - linear time is an illusion!

In building up a relationship, this 3. song marks the point, where each potential partner is going into his/her own inner world, to assess whether he/her is really touched or if it's just an already fading firework...
Love grows by deliberate intention on the basis of relaxed liberty!

4. Hey Baby

Hey Baby want to be inside of your car
Hey Baby want to be inside of your house
Hey Baby want to be inside of your bed
Hey Baby want to be inside of your heart

rananini rananini rananini rananini
ran ran ran
rininini rininini rininini
rin rin rin
inside your heart

inside your heart there is my pleasure
inside your heart is my delight

It's quite bold and expressive: the man wants to be inside of her !
Supposedly what male desire is all about!

It's a little bit like a minne singer from the middle ages who sings in front of the fortress pleading the beloved to let him in: "rananini" is a word game with "ran" which means "go forward/close to" and "rininini" comes from "
rin" which means "to be or go inside"
At the beginning of the song we have a definite rock riff, which reminds a little bit of Jimi Hendrix and in the center and final parts it has got some turkish and east european influences, even a sort of Czardas, getting faster and faster over a long period of time here quoting a timing human beings are apt to in there sexual activities ...
But still it's all about being inside of the heart of the partner, acknowledging the fact that sex is a natural expression of love!

5. Lara
Lara take my heart
Lara let me start
to love you
When I first saw you in my dreams
you were so beautiful
like a dream from 1001 nights
and you were glowing with diamonds
with gold and silver and blue
and you were dancing for me
dancing the ancient sacred dance:
Belly dance!
and you touched my heart
and your message came through to me
from this ancient culture:
Love your Body!
Liebe Deinen KÃÂrper!

We are here in the middle of 3 songs in the center of the album which deal with the theme most people are most interest in: erotic & sex
lara is a fictional belly dancer and the singer meets her in his dreams: she gives him the central message of an ancient culture: "Love your body"!
It's about the unity of spirituality and sexuality which is traditioned in eastern philosophies like tantra: that's why this song bears strong influences of oriental music in scale (semi tone/half tone), non 4/4 bars and even featuring a genuine sitar, the sacred instrument of Indian classical music...

6. Crazy

Hey hey hey Baby
you wanna make me crazy
you're so exorbitant beautiful

I'm the strong man that you need tonight Baby
I'm the strong man that you need tonight

I wanna taste your lips
they taste like honey

come on don't be shy

these are the hay days of a love story: together in bed and never get out again!
It' s a nice funky song with romantic turkish elements in the hook line with the ladies choire just sweet and sexy: taste it!
In the solo part you listen to Peter Bayreuther on elictric violin with wawa...

this song is an absolute potential radio hit: in less than three minutes all musical parts are thoroughly exhibited and the chorus has invaded your soul to enrich you forever

7) Du Bist Sü�
nang nang nang
du bist sü� doch du nervst so sehr willst du mich wirklich zum Wahnsinn treiben
you're so sweet but you make me mad
do you really want to drive me crazy
Männer haben auch Gefühlte,
Männer sind doch nicht aus Stein
men do have emotions
men are not of stone
What did I do to deserve this?
Was habe ich getan um das zu verdienen?

It is about the exploding energy of the first fight: unwillingness on both parts to give in but luckily already irresistible attraction and connection! We reflect ourself in the partner...

8. Power of Love
The power of love is stronger than us
das ist gut so
so we better relax let go and let love flow
like a mountain stream
so playful and merry
like a broad river
so mighty and strong
like a lake of vast tranquility
like the sea of inmeasurable equilibrium
la la la laiya let your love flow
Baby I'm telling you
you better let your love flow yeah
it's better for you it's better for me
Baby come on let your love flow

After the hot melting and connecting of two individuals to a pair of lovers necessarily some tiny problems do arise: we still remain two personal human beings and there are still two different world vies and perceptions!
Petty disagreements about daily affaires can lead to serious fights and quarrels ...
If we want to establish a love relationship over years, always recreating itself in fresh intensity one thing is crucial:
And trust that there is a force, which is stronger than us:
das ist gut so! (good job!)
Funny enough it helps to concentrate on self: I start myself believing in the power of love by letting my love flow and magically dark clouds vanish and I'm again able to see the glory and grace of my beloved partner
I'm aware that there are several songs which deal about the power of love this version of mine "is stronger than us" I reckon to be an original invention and quite a loaded statement too: profound and funny...

9. Eternal Unity

We sometimes don´t find words to express the magic of love that´s probably why music was invented
This final song on my album is an instrumental without words: in the center is the dialogue of sax and violin, representators of the male and female voices. I believe that when we experience real love we unite with each other for eternity, even if we might depart by divorce or death: lovers are imprinted in the transcendental book of human history undeletable forever!

Thank you that you accepted and listened to my CD, - it is definitely a motivation for me to give my art to a person like you who is interested in the inner meaning of these songs...


all the best for you


Peter Bayreuther January 2003

musician, composer, overtone singer,
tap dancer, hobby philosopher + lover...

  • Modèle : Peter Bayreuther
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Ce Produit a été ajouté à notre catalogue le mercredi 28 décembre 2005.

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