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berekeke was born in Puerto Real, Cadiz, south from Spain on March 29 of 1.966.

He studied piano in the School of Music of Cadiz and learned to touch the Spanish guitar of self-taught form, as well as the bandurria.

In the year 2.003 he begins his facet as composer, after having taken part like musical in many groups.
Autopublishes MIRADORES (PERSPECTIVES), an album that synthesizes the style of this artist: classical , folk and electronic music.

At the beginning of 2.006 publishes SIETE PIEZAS CHINAS (SEVEN CHINESE PIECES), a compact and homogeneous album that turns around the acquaintance traditional Chinese game TAN-GRAM

In the middle of the same year publishes PLATEROIDEOLOGÍA (PLATEROIDEOLOGY) based on the BOOK of the Andalusian writer Juan Ramon Jimenez, Platero y yo. An honoring to the simplicity and to the nobility in Andalusian tone.

The musical fussion of styles new age, folk and classical is based in a new one tendence: NEOROMANTICISM.
Why? Well, I´m recovering the romantic ideology: fantasy, looking far places, insolits, an evassion of reality. This concept is seen from a current side, taking advantage of the knowledge and the musical styles that have been implemented in these epochs. It is therefore, an updated review that fuses different styles in the old romantic ideas

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